Our service to avoid machine downtime
SMARTASSIST Remote is a telematic system that provides sophisticated management for construction equipment equipped with a GPS transmission terminal. This system monitors construction equipment remotely and ascertains maintenance intervals and troubles in a timely manner via the Internet, which allows YANMAR to constantly provide the customers with suitable services and support.

Easy Maintenance
Engine, Air Cleaner
Wide opening of engine bonnet makes inspection and maintenance of the engine and air cleaner simple.
Hydraulic Oil Tank, Fuel Tank, Grease Pump Holder
Lockable right upper hand side bonnet provides easy access and security.
Radiator, Battery
No tools required to open the righthand side bonnet, making battery inspection and cleaning the radiator an easy task.
Fan Belt, Air Conditioner Belt
Large inspection window for easy access.
Tool Box
Secure place to keep tools.
1 Year / 1000 Hrs
Smart Assist Remote
5 Years Free
Zero Tail Swing Excavator
Preventive Maintenance
Free 1000 Hrs Labor Charge